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地面瑜伽 (Hatha Yoga)

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課程介紹:哈達瑜伽是一個古老的瑜伽系統 課程包含基礎體位法,拜日式、進階體位法的預備式和簡單的呼吸法 練習時要控制呼吸,配合著深沉的呼吸習練,達至完全的放鬆 給身體和精神帶來平靜及滿足. 課程特點:放鬆筋肌、釋放壓力、動作難度由簡至難,適合作為瑜伽的入門課程. 適合族群:一般大眾、初學者、工作壓力大的人. Course Description: Hatha Yoga is an ancient yoga that includes the basic body position method. It is necessarily to control the breath during preparation. The posture method, and simple breathing practice. deep breathing practice, until it is completed . Relaxation brings you calmness and satisfaction to the body and spirit. Course features: Relax muscles, releasing from stress, improve difficulty of movement, yoga is suitable for an introductory course. Suitable for general public, beginners, people with highly work pressure.



  • 香港元朗青山公路69號

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